Informes psicológicos periciales de custodia en casos de violencia de género

Informes psicológicos periciales de custodia en casos de violencia de género


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Introduction: ...................................................................... 4
1. The mission of the psychologist is to assess the parental
competence of separated couples in exercising child
custody .......................................................................... 10
2. Principles guiding the forensic report ............................ 10
3. Ethical principles regulating the professional practice of
the forensic psychologist ............................................... 11
4. Methodology for writing the forensic report on child custody..14
4.1. Aspects to be identified, measured, and evaluated in
the forensic report ................................................... 17
4.2. Identification, measurement, and assessment techniques..18
4.3. Procedure ............................................................... 20
4.3.1. What is a procedure? .................................... 21
4.3.2. Development of a common procedure: initialphase (1st
order flow) .................................... 21
4.3.3. Development of the common procedure: second phase .... 25
5. The forensic report ........................................................ 27
6. Aspects to take into account during the assessment process
and in writing the forensic report ........................... 28
7. Other Recommendations ............................................... 30
APPENDIX 1. Extensively used instruments guiding the
forensic psychological reports on issues of child custody 31
APPENDIX 2. ANSI code for the flowchart on the forensic
report on custody de child .............................................. 36
APPENDIX 3. Checklist for the methodology and forensic
tests used in the forensic report ..................................... 37
APPENDIX 4. Examples of good and mal practice in the
processing of forensic reports ........................................ 38